Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sound and Space

There is an art in creating space in sound. It is like the art of creating space in painting or speech/thought.

Space could be silence, could be the depth of the space, or just the use of pedal.

Listen to the following recording. You can feel a lot of space in her playing. She uses pedal and the acoustic of the hall. You feel that the piano sound is swimming through a tremendous space. Loosening up an uptight mind.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Elegant Spanish Poet at Piano Bench

Danza Oriental, Enrique Granados performed by Alicia de Larrocha.

A spanish pianist with magical key touch. Her recording takes my breath away with her graceful gesture and the poetic shape of piano sound. Every stroke of her sound can clean away the stress of your day bit by bit... Enjoy!

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