Sunday, May 2, 2010

A painter paints pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. ~Leopold Stokowski

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Good vibration in practising sessions

When we perform, we tend to think of the performing end and perceiving end as two aspects that the art is consist of.

When there are creator and the perceiver of sound, there must be a medium that the sound travels through. It is like life. You mom and dad are the creators of your life (or God). There is always one ending (death). And everything in between is called "your life". Everyone has the same ending. But how you travel to the end makes it a special one. It is like your piano sound. How you make it travel through the medium ( your finger, piano, space, the audience, and ends up in their ears) makes it a special performace.

For the medium of music, it must be anything that can vibrate the sound of music. For pianist, the mediums are their fingers, piano, the space of the hall, of course it includes the bodies of audience that are although sitting still.

Yeap. We always think of the audience's ears. But their bodies and the space of the hall (and of course the piano) are also part of the medium that vibrates sound.

Music is actually something that goes through your body besides getting into your ears.

This is physics knowledge... Anything that vibrates almost vibrates through every mediums. It is like your cellphone electromagnetic signals, sound, your brain wavelength, etc.

So, next time when you practise, please remember that you are vibrating good vibrations through the space and the people in the space instead of just "practising".

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