Thursday, August 25, 2011

Music of the Day- The Tickling Clock

Feel the impulse of the march like tempo. Steady but exciting. Please note, Gould didn't play it fast. He played it steadily, but with very strict tempo. But it sounds so exciting and energizing.

Sometimes, being frantically fast does not bring excitement. :-) It is being grounded and metronome like rhythm that makes Beethoven's sonata rocks. I think this is the most perfect version of the seemingly simple and cyclic movement of Beethoven's sonata No 13 in E Flat Major. Tempo marking is Allegro. To me it is an Allegro Marcato.

Quote of the Day

"There is so much talk about music, and so little is really said. I do not think words are at all adequate for the subject, and if I found they were, I should end by writing no more music."

Felix Mendelssohn

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Music of The Day

Glenn Gould - Bach French Suite No. 5 in G Major, BWV 816

Glenn Gould's performance of Bach French Suite No. 5 made me experience something nostalgia while listening to it. Embrace the major mode of the compositions and the seamlessly graceful ornaments that brightens up this rainy Sunday.

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