Saturday, November 24, 2007

Yundi Li

In the pianist world, Yundi Li accomplished a great deal in a young age. He was the youngest winner (18 years old) of Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw (2000).Yundi Li was originally from China.

His passion in music began with playing accordian at the age of 4. Interestingly, he won a prize at Chongqing Children's Accordion Competition. Gradually, His passion in music expanded to piano playing at the age of 7.

In the Warsaw Piano Competition, his performance of Chopin piano concerto No.1 as well as Brilliante Polonaise exposed the audience to the beauty of Chopin's colorful harmonizations. Amazingly, this young 18 year old at that time was capable to perceive various breathtaking tone colors with a steinway piano. His graceful performance of other Chopin's pieces reflects his complete and thorough understanding of Chopin's works and his mastery of pianistic skills.

Li is now residing in Hannover in Germany to study under Arie Vardie at the Hannover Conservatory of Music. He had learnt to expand his passion from Chopin to other great composers such as Franz Liszt. His performance of Franz Liszt's B minor Sonata received great feedbacks from the audience.

As a most celebrated pianist in Asian countries, Yundi Li is striving to maintain a balance between his performing career and his higher pursue of pianistic mastery. He also plays an important role of connecting non-classical music audience in Asian Countries to the great world of classical music.

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