Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Importance of Listening

What is the difference between listening and hearing ?
Your ears hear sounds. Period. But when the sensors in your ears send signals to your mind and your mind interprets the sounds, it is called listening.

Pianists who listens to others' performance usually advance much further. When listening, pianists interpret sounds according to the melody line, the texture, the touch/stroke, the rhythm, the pitch (not as keen as violinists), and the content of a chunk of sounds. (phrases, motives, sections, or movements)

Also, pianists listen with the physical sensation attached behind their minds. That physical sensation only developed in pianists after long hours of practicing. It is like when you close your eyes and listen, and somehow your hands feel excited over the rhythm. You could see or feel the hand movements on the keyboard without really touching one.

This is the pianists’ listening reaction to piano music. It is our subconscious reaction. That’s why we pianists get excited over piano music. It is fun and stimulating. That’s why it is important to listen to others when you are drilling your own repertoires. It motivates you mentally and physically. And you can achieve much more with momentum from the sound. It also sharpen your attention. Try it today and you will be thrilled at how much you can do by listening more.

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