Friday, November 27, 2009

Mozart Effect?

What is a Mozart effect? Its amazing effect has been discussed by many pscychologists.
To me, I think listening to Mozart creates a kind of resilient quality in your thinking/mind/mood. It is like telling jokes to a dog using sound arrangement. Joke contains humor. Humor originally means fluidity. The bouncy, springy, quick wit, fluid quality in Mozart's music has a enhancing quality for rigid minds. It is like a gift from Mozart to all the depressed people to bounce back. If you let a very stubborn person listen to Mozart or learn Mozart's piece, he will be slightly lightened up or relaxed.

If you let a baby listen to Mozart since he/she is still a fetal or infant, chances are, that baby will become a relaxed, laid back, witty smart baby. It is like telling a lot of jokes to the baby before s/he even know how to speak or understand your language. Music is a more direct language because it is so simple and straight forward.

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