Monday, February 15, 2010

2-Sided Learnings

Have you ever realized the importance of two-sided learning? It is ths same philosophy with the balance of ying and the yang. Whenever you learn something from a practise session, it has to be something good as much as something bad. That means, you have to pay attention to something that needs improvement as much as something that is beatiful that you want to keep and make it better.

It is by this two-sided learning, that you can lay a firm basic ground work on your preparation for performance.

There are a lot of times where a pianist tries so hard to fix the problem that s/he forgets to preserve his/her passion in playing that piece. The passion is the beautiful perception of the piece. On the other hand, there are pianists who enjoy the beauty of a piece so much that s/he ignores the gaps or the missing parts that need improvements. So, 2-sided learning is very basic and important. Of course, both keeping the good and improving the shortcomings need effort. Thus putting equal effort will give you a better peace of mind in the process of crafting a performance.

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