Sunday, July 25, 2010

The balance point

We always need a balance point for anything we are doing. That is the point where you restore yourself.

We need a balance gesture for dancer to withstand a long choreography.
We need a balance hand posture for pianist to be able to finish a long repertoire.
We need a balance structure for architectural design so that the building can withstand the time.
We need a balance use of color when we dress ourself so that we are not too boring or not too provocative in using bright colors.
We need a balance of give and take, trust to make a relationship last.
As you can see, balance is very closely related to healthiness.
It is like when all the systems in your body ( digestive system, nervous system, neural system, homeostasis system, physiological system, etc ) are in balance,
you are offically called healthy.

And for your ears,
you need a balance of sound. And that sound is called harmony.
Anything that is in harmony is in balance. We are not saying the music with dissonance is not appreciated. However, listening to something in harmony after a dissonance music will restore you to where you begin.

Bach is a very good example for you to tune your ear back to the balance point. You might be a person who loves rock music, alternative music, blues, jazz.. etc. You could be passionate with rock music, you could be creative with alternative music, you could be relaxed with the blues, or your could be playful with the jazz music. But if you need to have a clear mind, listening to Bach is the only way to do that.
The steady beat, the sense of harmony, the consisteny of the themic rhythm, all help to pull yourself together and focus your energy effectively.

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